The best way to set up your campaign sketches

SERPsketch is a tool to quantify and visualize your share of space on page one for a keyword set. It tracks domains, people also asked questions and related searches, so it’s really important to keep each campaign limited a very specific set of keywords. Unlike other tools where you might add 100s of keywords, with SERPsketch we recommend you pick 30-50 very specific keywords rather than a broad set.

What do we mean by very specific keywords?

Well, let’s use a furniture retailer as an example. You wouldn’t want to add a campaign which combined beds, sofas, dining tables and rugs into one big campaign. The results will be less meaningful because of the broad keyword base you started with.

Instead, you’d consider segmenting your campaigns into much smaller, more targeted keyword lists, each with their own set of competitors. For example, for beds, you might compete against Warren Evans,, Dreams – but those vendors don’t sell sofas as well. But if you added sofa and bed keywords together, you’d start seeing that kind of overlap which could be confusing.

A good practice is to look at your website navigation for clearly defined categories. You might even go even further than just an overall beds campaign and actually create a children’s beds campaign or a double beds campaign, thereby narrowing down the keywords further.

Depending on scale of your business and your objectives, you could set up lots of mini campaigns all at once or you just focus on one product category at a time.

Deciding on your keywords

SERPsketch does not include a keyword planning tool so you’ll need to use a free or paid tool to research your keywords. It’s best to select a top 30-50 covering your chosen product line and then perhaps a mix of descriptors. So for example if you chose to do a campaign sketch for sofas you might also include colour / size / material to give a full spectrum of keywords and results, and also mimicking the filters that your customers can choose from in that category.

Review and action

For a retailer, you ought to review your campaign sketches at the very least one per week, but fast-moving industries should expect to see big seasonal shifts and adapt what they’re doing every month.

We’d recommend having 3-5 product vertical campaigns running at any time and a generic brand one for monitoring against competitors of a similar size.

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